Thank you to those of you who have been waiting patiently whilst this website has been parked. Some of you followed the links on the parked site and I hope the links took you somewhere useful!
The time has come to start putting this website and blog together in earnest. This will be a slow process over the coming months as there is so much to do. There will be a few blogs initially as I put all of the background information together that will make this site interesting.
I also hope to incorporate a store into the site so that you will be able to buy many of your favourite South African Wines online, here on this website. Obviously there will be hints, tips and favourites discussed along the way as well.
The shape, colour and design of this site will alter over the coming weeks to make it more palatable to the eye and easy to use and navigate. I would welcome your feedback on this.
If there are any wine lovers amongst you who would like to build their own website in due course, whether or not wine related, please let me know and I will be delighted to share my experiences with you about this.
Having lived in Soutrh Africa for over 12 years and now drink South Africa wines almost exclusively, I look forward to sharing my eperiences and views with you.
Steve Moriarty